Friday, April 24, 2009


Today, we got our mid-term report card, and guess what? I reached my goal! Ms.Yu, Ms.Janda, and Mr.Pfeifer, thank you all=) Although today I got lots of homework to do=(,,, I am still happy. I was recently getting more and more lazy and was feeling very tired, but now I have power to keep it up. Therefore,,,, I think,, today I should enjoy this first,,,, and then maybe I can do tons of homework tomorrow=)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Cotton Candy's Words

I have more than just one color.
I am made of lots of sugar.
My body is like clouds in the sky.
My sweetness can soothe a screeching guy.
I can make your teeth decay,
but after this painful day,
You will forget today's pain,
and will buy me once again!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Haiku Poems

Snow falling slowly
Blanketing the trees and road
Silence and beauty

red and pink balloons
A white cake with three candles
Happy birthday, girls

A girl squating down
Spending painful time alone
In a pouring rain

+) bonus!

I like chocolate
Because it is very sweet
I like chocolate =)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

"WALL-E" Reflection

Today, we finished the second half of the movie "Wall-E". The rest of the story, was developed in almost the same direction as I predicted yesterday. Wall-E and Eve finally save the plants and help human go back to Earth. Then, the people learn to stand and walk without help from an automatic chair, and begin a new life on the Earth again.

"Wall-E" impressed me greatly, and it made me think of lots of things.
Presently, there are many people who are worried about some side effects of advanced technology, which is good. What is unfortunate is that some of them try to put the blame for their mistake on other factors but not themselves. Some people argue that human should stop developing the technology because technology can destroy our world. But, are the problems really caused by technology development? Can it be resolved if we get rid of all the technology?

In "Wall-E", human destroy the world and leave to the space irresponsibly. They make robots who will clean the Earth for them, but when the plan was failed, they immediately abandon the Earth and decide to stay in the space, forever. The auto pilot, who cause the main conflict and try to keep human from going back to the Earth, is just following the directive which was given to him by the ancestor of the people. Hence, the problems in the movie are not really made by the advanced technology, but it comes from lack of responsibility of human.
On the contrary, robots including Wall-E and Eve, have even more humanities than real human, and help people to go back to their Earth, and help them start a new life again. With the help from the robots, human can settle on the Earth easily and soon acclimate themselves to the new environment.

There are many great writers who worry about the technology and human's future. However, in many of the stories, the original cause of the disasters is not from other factors, but from human themselves. When the people realize their faults and try to fix the problems, most of the troubles are resolved, just like in the movie "Wall-E" and "City of Ember", but if human shirk their responsibility and keep addicted to the convenience of advanced technology, some serious catastrophes can really happen to them, as it did in the story "The Veldt".

Technology is not an evil, unless we use it recklessly. It is true that there are some grave side effects of the technology development, but only if we are aware of its dangerous aspects and use it wisely, technology will bring us great advantages without disasters.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Recently, I have learned two stories that talk about human's future and fate of our Earth in English 11 class. Today, we watched another movie called "WALL-E", which also depicts the problems that we may face in the future.

In this movie, the Earth is totally polluted by human and becomes an unsuitable place to live anymore. Therefore, human invents robots who will clean the Earth for them, and leave to the space. 700 years later, there is only one robot left whose name is Wall-E. He always clean the rubbish on the Earth and collect junk from it as a hobby. In evenings, he watches human's musical video and learns human's feeling from it, such as love and loneliness.
One day, a robot named Eve comes to Earth and Wall-E wants to be friends with her. At first, she does not pay attention to Wall-E, but they soon become closer to each other. However, when Wall-E gives Eve a plant as a gift, Eve takes the plants and shuts down because it was her mission to find a life on the Earth. Then, a spaceship comes to Earth to take her. Wall-E does not want to lose Eve, so he follows the spaceship and goes to the space.
In the space, there is a huge spacecraft, and inside the spacecraft, it is an automatic city where all the human are living in. In the city, people do not have to do anything, thus they have become a lot fatter and their legs have atrophied than 700 years ago. Eve goes to the captain of the spaceship, but the plant that she brought from the Earth has disappeared, and Eve is falsely accused for untrue report.

Although we have not finished this movie yet, we could guess what the director wants to talk to us through this movie. Similar with "the Veldt" and "City of Ember", the people in "WALL-E" also destroy the world where they live, and become addicted to the convenience that advanced technology gives them. These two problems are the main causes of conflict in all the three stories. It means that the problems are very serious in present-day world and can bring human some catastrophes in the future.

In "WALL-E", the robot Wall-E is very pure, kind, and has lots of humanities, even more than that of real human. In rest of the movie, perhaps Wall-E and Eve will find the plants and help human go back to their original home, Earth. Then, the people may be impressed by Wall-E's humanities, get themselves back as they really were in the past, and begin a new life on the Earth again.