Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pitfalls Behind the Convenience ("The Veldt" Reflecion)

 Nowadays, as the technology develops, our life has become much quicker and more convenient. It gave us many advantages, but also has been leading us to indulge in the convenience. Becoming tame by the quickness and the convenience, people depend upon the machineries, but never consider the side effects behind it. 

 Perhaps the changes that we have experienced in recent 50 years would be bigger than those in previous hundreds of years. It's only a short time since those amazing contraptions such as computer, mobile phone, internet, or navigation were invented. We already got used to use those in every part of our life, and maybe our descendants would consider those as if they must be in their life necessarily. No, maybe these are already happening now. We don't search lots of books to find information for our homework. We use our cell phone all the time, and some of us can't live with their cell phone. Children spend their whole day on raising their level up in the on-line game, instead of playing soccer outside with their friends. 

 If we give ourselves up to the comforts and become lazy, it'll be possible for us to live the life that we haven't been wanting. These days we are living much more comfortable life, but we are kind of losing the touch of humanity. The developed technology is supposed to release us from pressures, but actually we're getting more stressed out as days go by. We had always walked to the destination on our feet, however, now we complain about the traffic jam and say it's wasting our time. Previously, we could bear the inconvenience and lived happily, but now, our expectation is getting higher and higher as days go by, and we can't stand even a small problem. If we continue this, we will become the slaves of the technology, just as the children in "The Veldt", who couldn't stand life without the convenience from the automatic house and killed their own parents. We can use the technology, but shouldn't be controlled by it. 

 Sometimes, we can write to our parents asking how they are on letter paper, instead of sending an e-mail on internet. Turning off our cell phone for one day may teach us how we are dependent upon the machineries. When driving, we can turn off our navigator sometimes, and look at the map or ask the passersby. 

 Some people may think it's time-wasting to spontaneously live such inconvenient life in spite of the quick and handy way. However, we need to look back upon the past, when we didn't have such developed technology as now. We had to do lots of things without help from the machineries, but we still lived happy life, and there was even less murmurs about the inconvenience around us!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Good start:)

My First week of this new semester has passed all too soon. I had a very busy time to acclimatize myself to new classes and environment.

On Wednesday, we were assigned our first group project of this semester in English 11 class. In our group, Jonson, Fani, and I worked together, and prepared for the presentation very diligently. We tried to cooperate each other and did our best.

And finally today, we presented our result. No matter what mark for this project we get, I will be satisfied with it, because we learned many things. Working together in a group, we learned that it is important to help each other. We made a good start for this whole semester, and we shall not forget this lesson until the end of the semester.

I think the next time, when we do our project in a group again, we can do much better than this time!

(Although I will not be displeased with my grade even if I get a poor mark, it doesn't mean that I don't care about my grade!! So Miss.Yu!! Please don't be so severe in marking our project!!:)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Snowy day

Yesterday, when I got out of my house, I got surprised, because it was snowing. And today morning, I was surprised again, because It has not stopped snowing. The snow had been piled up, that I could leave my footprints on it. I was so happy and jumped for joy.

If I were in Korea, I still would feel very excited, but it wouldn't be very special or surprising for me. In Korea, it snows very often in winter. It's not that heavy as in other cold countries like Canada, but it's still a lot and enough to play with it. When the snowflakes begun to flutter in the air, I runned to the playground with my friends during the break time. We snowballed each other and made snowmans. Fascinated by the snow, sometimes we came back to classroom late and scolded by teacher.

Since I came to Beijing, I had not been enjoying these things, cuz it doesn't often snow in Beijing and even when it snows, it melts away very rapidly. Therefore, today is a very special day for me. It made me very happy and also brought back to me many memories of the days when I was in Korea.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mariah's Intro.

First, I'm very happy to introduce myself to you here.

I am Mariah Shin, 17-year-old, from Korea. I have been in China for 2 years, and I can speak a little Chinese. Even now, I'm still learning Chinese! I can also speak English and I will improve my English skill a lot more in this Class, English 11! :P Long ago, I had learned Japanese for several months, although now I have forgotten almost everything. Beginning this new year, I have decided to restart learning Japanese. Therefore, I should work very hard in this year, because I have to learn 3 languages!

Despite it, I'll also enjoy my hobby on weekends, otherwise, I will suffer from all the routines everyday. I have a variety of hobby, but I particularly enjoy baking. Of course, reading books is also one of my favorite things:P I'm a good student!

In this semester, I'll try much harder than last terms, and my goal for this term is to get all A again in the courses I'm taking! In last term I got A in the all courses that I took, however, now I'm taking much more high-leveled courses such as Social 11 and Math 12, it would be much harder for me to get all A in this semester! Thus, I must try my best and appeal to my teachers.
Also, I have to prepare for lots of things including Toefl and HSK, to achieve my dream.

I will persevere in my efforts and finally graduate SBS with a very good grade. Then, I will be able to enter the civil engineering department of M.I.T!!! Maybe after twenty years, I can be the Nobelist:P I'll study Environmental engineering, and contribute to the eco-business. To achieve these goals, I must study hard and hard and hard, and I also need help from my surrounding people! Please help me to improve myself in many ways!

Now, it's already 6 o'clock, and it's time to go to study~ Thank you for reading and see you!