Friday, February 20, 2009

Good start:)

My First week of this new semester has passed all too soon. I had a very busy time to acclimatize myself to new classes and environment.

On Wednesday, we were assigned our first group project of this semester in English 11 class. In our group, Jonson, Fani, and I worked together, and prepared for the presentation very diligently. We tried to cooperate each other and did our best.

And finally today, we presented our result. No matter what mark for this project we get, I will be satisfied with it, because we learned many things. Working together in a group, we learned that it is important to help each other. We made a good start for this whole semester, and we shall not forget this lesson until the end of the semester.

I think the next time, when we do our project in a group again, we can do much better than this time!

(Although I will not be displeased with my grade even if I get a poor mark, it doesn't mean that I don't care about my grade!! So Miss.Yu!! Please don't be so severe in marking our project!!:)


  1. Wow, good to see u here, r u also in Ms. Yu's class?

  2. You and your group did well on your presentation, I like the way that you creatived you poster.
