Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mariah's Intro.

First, I'm very happy to introduce myself to you here.

I am Mariah Shin, 17-year-old, from Korea. I have been in China for 2 years, and I can speak a little Chinese. Even now, I'm still learning Chinese! I can also speak English and I will improve my English skill a lot more in this Class, English 11! :P Long ago, I had learned Japanese for several months, although now I have forgotten almost everything. Beginning this new year, I have decided to restart learning Japanese. Therefore, I should work very hard in this year, because I have to learn 3 languages!

Despite it, I'll also enjoy my hobby on weekends, otherwise, I will suffer from all the routines everyday. I have a variety of hobby, but I particularly enjoy baking. Of course, reading books is also one of my favorite things:P I'm a good student!

In this semester, I'll try much harder than last terms, and my goal for this term is to get all A again in the courses I'm taking! In last term I got A in the all courses that I took, however, now I'm taking much more high-leveled courses such as Social 11 and Math 12, it would be much harder for me to get all A in this semester! Thus, I must try my best and appeal to my teachers.
Also, I have to prepare for lots of things including Toefl and HSK, to achieve my dream.

I will persevere in my efforts and finally graduate SBS with a very good grade. Then, I will be able to enter the civil engineering department of M.I.T!!! Maybe after twenty years, I can be the Nobelist:P I'll study Environmental engineering, and contribute to the eco-business. To achieve these goals, I must study hard and hard and hard, and I also need help from my surrounding people! Please help me to improve myself in many ways!

Now, it's already 6 o'clock, and it's time to go to study~ Thank you for reading and see you!


  1. Wow! Such aspiring goals! I'm sure you will do well and I hope to read more of your writing this semester. =)

  2. Thank you Miss.Yu! I'll do my best:P

  3. Hi LOL omg OTL Teehee maelong
    what's up dude
