Friday, March 27, 2009

As far as this but no further...

I had a really hard time during this week... I had many exams and tons of homework to do. It has been only a short time since I started to study hard. (I really hated to study even until the middle of last semester...) Although I started to take interests in study, I have not been used to study yet, and it is still very hard for me to resist all the temptations. The stress and fatigue that have beem accumulated since the beginning of this semester started to press me further more than before. There are lots of students who study harder than me. I know that I need to go further. However, I am now too tired to keep going.

My dream is to contribute to the charitable businesses, and I really want to be a kind and positive person. However recently, I easily get angry with those people who hurt my feelings. I did not like to speak critically of other people before, but now, it seems that I have grievances against lots of people... Perhaps it is because I am too tired, as I said yesterday. I want to fix my mind, but it is really difficult.

Yea, I know that it is my fault. It is because I had wasted my precious time and got used to the lazy life. I always regret it, but it is useless. I will try to renew everything and be a diligent and vital student. I hope I can return my feeling before next week and go back to school with positive Mariah.


  1. Mariah,

    You are one of the best students I have taught in my life as a teacher.

    You are not only "good" because you hand in your homework or know all the answers to every question but you have the ability to have an internal desire to learn. You have internal motivation to better yourself and learn from everyone around you. You always seek to improve yourself. Your ability to think of your own learning and your awareness of your own feelings is not easy to do. It is very mature.

    You have such a bright future. Think of the future and all the possibilities that await you after graduation. Think of all the grand achievements you are capable of.

    You can truly go back to school with a positive Mariah. I know it. I believe you are capable of doing so well. Don't waste your intelligence.

    Your dreams are closer with each day you work harder.

    From a teacher who can see positive Mariah even during times when she went on vacation to the land of laziness,

    Ms. Chan

  2. Mariah,you will be a successful person in the future.
    Come one!!!
