Saturday, March 28, 2009


I owe too much to the exertions of all those people around me and giving me courage.

It's true that I am busy and tired, and it gets even worse because I was used to live a lazy life before. However, if I always think back to the past and keep thinking negatively, I will not improve any more, and it will get much harder for me to study in the future. I should seek for the way to learn more things and the way to develop myself, instead of murmuring about the things around me.

Today, I tried the other two of the provincial sample exams. Adding the last one that I took in the English class, my average mark by now is above 80%. When I took the similar exam in the English 10 class last year, my mark just past but was quite lower than now. The result of the exam shows tha my English has been improved a lot, and I am still trying very hard to be better.

Recently I really feel tired and oversensitive about all the things around me. I have become very brittle that it is very hard for me to control my anger. Still, I believe that I can overcome this hardship. Perhaps this is a turning point of my life. I hope that I can pass this crisis, and become more mature in the future. Then, I will be able to grin and bear all the things even if I get much busier or face any tough hardships in my life.


  1. Mariah,
    You are not brittle,I think you are very friendly.
    You are a girl who is really hard work.Do you know I always want to study from you.
    Thank you for helping me with my English.

  2. You think I am friendly? I feel really happy to hear that from you~ I should thank you for being my friend!

    Any way, there is one mistake in your comment!
    I am not hard work! I am a hard-working person! haha
