Monday, March 16, 2009


Today, we checked the math test from last week. Before the class, I was still little bit depressed. I realized that my mind was wrong and decided not to compare with others, but I still could not be completely satisfied with it.... (It's really hard to change my mistake immediately!!) Everytime we check the test, Mr.Pfiefer calls the 4th to the 1st grade and conguratulate them. And,,,,, I was still the first. (And because the students' grades were very low, Mr.Pfeifer added 3 points to everyone's mark, so I got more than one hundred points.) I know that I should not compare my marks with others, but it's still a very happy thing to get a perfect score.

Of course, I will not be selfish and press me with those foolish thoughts again. I will just do my best. The best way is that everyone gets a full mark, isn't it??

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