Wednesday, March 4, 2009

People killing, People dying,
Children hurt and you hear them crying,
Can you practice what you preach,
Would you turn the other cheek,

Father Father Father help us,
send some guidance from above
cuz people got me got me questioning,
Where is the love...

- Black eyed peas "Where is the love"


  1. Thank you for putting that song on my board today! I was like that is a very poetic moment until I realized it was not original poetry!

    Why didn't you go to Sun Village?

  2. I'm sorry that I didn't erase it..!!

    Um... I wanted to go there,too!
    But I didn't have time to go..........

  3. Hello!!
    Your english is so good.WHY?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
