Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Why don't you do your best first, before bragging that you are smart????

I don't know why there are so many people who are so proud of themselves. They say that the reason why they get low mark is because they don't study, and they also say that they are so smart that they can be the best only if they study. However, if you don't study, you should not expect others to believe or respect you. There is no proof that can support what you say, unless you study really hard and show us good result.

When I was young, I didn't really like to study. Since my mark ranked a bit higher than others even though I didn't study very hard, I became lazier and didn't make a great effort on my study. But, you know what though? Even if you are very smart and can do more things than others in the same time, it is useless if you don't use your talent effectively. Those who you thought foolish will learn lots of things while you are being so delinquent, then, the gap between you and them will get greater as days go by, and you will be the loser at last!

I really want the people to take this problem seriously, especially those who have talent. If you don't do this and just keep the haughty attitude, you will really regret it somedays.


  1. I am fully agree with u on this one!~~

  2. As a Chineses student.I am sorry about some of of my lazy Chinese classmates~~~~

    You are doing great~~
    And please keep going!
